
Corporate Governance – (King IV)

An affirmative action plan is more than a declaration of good intention; it describes a program of action leading toward the accomplishment of specific and measurable results in connection with legal and moral responsibilities of an organization. EHCC can assist with your AAP efforts from start to finish by assisting in the development of the plan, its implementation and maintenance.

Compensation Strategy

The compensation strategy process is a service in EHCC which is aimed at assisting organizations to apply fundamental consulting disciplines in the identification and evaluation of appropriate market pay data, internal worth of jobs/positions, organizational and current fiscal resources to determine recommended job/position classifications and a structured plan of pay level ranges.

EHCC can help define positions, wage guidelines and incentive packages to give your business an advantage while maintaining internal and external equity.
Typically, the major elements of a Compensation Strategy consist of the
• Bonus incentive programs,
• Salary surveys,
• Compensation policy,
• Pay scale design,
• Wage increase guidelines,
• Compensation strategy.

Disciplinary Procedure

Disciplinary actions and termination are not pleasant to discuss. While they are critical to the employment process, they can also open the door to an excess of risk. The disciplinary procedure service provided by EHCC addresses the issues of employee discipline and termination very carefully.

EHCC can help define positions, wage guidelines and incentive packages to give your business an advantage while maintaining internal and external equity.
Typically, the major elements of a Compensation Strategy consist of the
• Bonus incentive programs,
• Salary surveys,
• Compensation policy,
• Pay scale design,
• Wage increase guidelines,
• Compensation strategy.

EHCC offers reliable, independent, prompt and thorough investigative services regarding claims of discrimination and misconduct in the workplace. EHCC Human Capital principal consultants have experience in conducting independent investigations.

Employee Benefits/Perks

Improve your ability to attract and retain best talent by reviewing and comparing employee benefit programs. EHCC will assist you with;
• Advise on Insurance benefits,
• Retirement benefits,
• Insurance policies,
• Investment policies for gratuities.

Employee Handbooks/Policies

An up-to-date, Human Capital Management Handbook is essential for all businesses. An employee handbook disseminates policy execution, benefits and code of conduct (work standards) to all employees in a single document.

EHCC can help you design the internal procedures behind your handbook policies and train your management team and supervisors in their part of the process. EHCC can audit your current handbook or develop a customized handbook to ensure your content is current, relevant appropriate policies that are up to date and tailored for your business industry and organization culture.
EHCC will assist you with;
• Communication to employees,
• Legal compliance,
• Audit existing employee handbooks,
• Reviewing & Developing Handbooks.

Policy Development & Review

EHCC has a cutting edge experience in developing various policies which runs your organization effectively and efficiently. Besides EHCC’s strength in developing/reviewing organizational and human capital policies and guidelines, it has Strategic Alliances who can develop or review the policies in the following fields.

• Accounting & Finance
• Asset Management & Disposal
• Asset Procurement & Office Logistics
• Investments and Fund Management
• Enterprise Risk Management

• Legal Framework policies
• Tribal Administration (Mediation & Regulations)
• Information Communication Technology (ICT) &
• Fleet Management

Generally, EHCC survives on its expertise of developing and reviewing policies. Employee Motivation & Recognition Programs (Induction)

Employee Motivation

Executing an employee recognition program is the secret to increasing employee morale and addressing ongoing needs for employee retention and reward. EHCC can help you build reward and recognition systems which contribute to employee motivation, positive morale and retention. EHCC has the confidence that the special contribution in your organization gets the recognition it deserves

EHCC will assist your organization with;
• Conducting internal Motivational and Team Building/Retreat sessions,
• Developing Induction policy manual,
• Conducting emotional intelligence programs,
• Employee Counselling.

Employee Orientation & On-Boarding Program

A successful orientation program is a critical factor in helping new employees develops a productive, lasting relationship with your business. EHCC will help you integrate new employees or newly promoted leaders / supervisors / managers into your organization or a particular role to enhance employee engagement, retention, motivation and job satisfaction.
EHCC can assist with:
• Designing and developing induction and on-boarding policy manual
• Conducting orientations for your staff

Employee Surveys /General Surveys

Are your employees satisfied with their jobs? Do your employees feel a sense of loyalty to your organization/organization? Do you know in-depth the reasons why employees are terminating their employment relationships with the organization they love so much? EHCC can develop, administer and present confidential surveys to improve working conditions and increase productivity or for general feedback purpose. It is essential that organizations uncover the source of employees’ dissatisfaction and the reason for high and low turnover.

EHCC can assist with;
• Collecting data through surveys,
• Analyzing and summarizing results

• Identifying areas of concern,
• Making precise advice and recommendations.

Employee Corporate Wellness Programs

Many employers are putting in place innovative programs for financial wellness, mental health, healthy diet and exercise, mindfulness, sleep, stress management, and more. The best solution is to outsource this service to an outsider who is not part to disarray prevailing in your workplace. EHCC is the answer.

Recruiting Process

Critical recruitment decisions are too important to be left unattended. Any operation, regardless of the size, can benefit from developing and implementing policies related to recruitment. 

EHCC can assist with;
• Developing and adapting to Standard Procedures,
• Recruitment Strategies,
• Pre – Employment Screening,
• Interviewing process,
• Selection Tools,
• Conducting Exit Interviews

HR Audit / HR Compliance Assessment

Businesses have collapsed due to not conducting human capital audits. Many companies in the globe do not recognize the significance of Human Capital until a crisis occurs. Once involved in employment litigation, employers soon realize their liabilities and obligations regarding employment related statutes and regulations.

EHCC can assist with:
• HR Audit & Compliance Assessment,
• Summary Analysis,
• Instituting Initial Checklist Analysis (Diagnosis),
• Prioritizing recommendations,

Human Capital Coaching

As a “Human Capital Coach,” EHCC will do everything from active listening to providing test results that highlight a manager’s strengths and weakness. EHCC’s Human Capital coaches practice a blend of ethically deft observations with frankness that will help the manager develop in his/her capacity to lead people and personally excel.

EHCC will assist with;
• Supervisor/Manager Development,
• Situational Coaching,

• Asking hard questions,
• Providing Alternative Actions for more effective results

Human Capital (Resources) Business Set-Up

Issues relating to employment laws take a considerable amount of management time. With the changes in the labour laws, reviews, updates and changes to human resources forms, policies and procedures are critical to ensure compliance with the legislation. Whether you are looking to establish a new Human Capital Business unit or simply wanting to expand and improve upon an existing department/division, EHCC can assist.

When you partner with EHCC, we will cover all aspects of Human Capital to include transactional, operational and strategic functions. HR or human capital is the engine of every successful business which values human capital as an asset. The Employee Value Chain is the one behind the success of every entity.

EHCC will assist with;
• Policy development and procedures manual,
• Personnel Files,
• Performance Management,
• Staffing and Placement Services

• Recruiting & Hiring, 
• Pre-Employment Screening
• Skills & Experience testing,
• Compensation & Benefits,
• Employment Relationship,

Organizational Development (Job Analysis / Job Effectiveness Descriptions

The job effectiveness descriptions (job profiles) are some of the primary tools for coordinating the employers’ human resources program and communicating job requirements to employees. EHCC prepares job descriptions that facilitate accurate comparisons of job duties and wage rates, while complying with applicable legislation.

Whether you need to start from scratch or update existing descriptions EHCC can tailor a solution to your business needs.
EHCC can assist with;
• Conducting Job Analysis,
• Conducting Skills Audit,
• Conducting Climate Survey,
• Developing Job Requirement,
• Performance Expectations.

Performance Management

Performance appraisals can be a core, both for the manager doing the evaluation and the HR representative coordinating the effort and ensuring timeliness in the process. Let the Exclusive Human Capital Consultants help you design an easy but comprehensive evaluation process and train your team.
EHCC can assist with;
• Developing Evaluation / Appraisal Programmes
(process & tools)
• Basing systems on Job Effectiveness Descriptions
• Defining Expectations and ratings

Strategy Development

Corporate Business Strategy forms an integral part of each organization that is meant to develop a road map in order to achieve the Vision and Mandate of the enterprise. EHCC is an affiliate of international research firms such as Harvard Business Review, McKinsey & Co and Palladium and who are the renowned gurus of Strategy Development and Management.
EHCC can assist with;
• Organizational SWOT Analysis.
• Strategy Map & Alignment,
• Strategy Monitoring & Evaluation.

Performance Management

EHCC offers a wide range of customized training solutions (Employer Services/Developmental Training) to enhance the effectiveness of your workforce. We recognized the importance of tailoring programs to the specific needs of individual companies and will work with your organization to customize programs designed around your objectives

Our training programs (Employer Services / Developmental Training/Training Topics) can be designed as a comprehensive training initiative as well as stand-alone sessions.
EHCC can assist with;
• Attitudes and Behaviours,
• Organizational Development,
• Management Assessments,
• Skill and abilities.

Annual Conferences EHCC will host at least four (4) various Conferences/in-house on a quarterly basis. The conferences identified are those come from prevalent short comings in organizations hence affecting their effectiveness and efficiency. As a result, EHCC has identified the following conferences;
1. Auditing & Governing Human Capital Policies/Procedures Conference
2. Certified Local Tribal & Mediation Administration Conference
3. Certified Human Resources Business Partner (CHRBP)
4. Compensations & Remuneration Strategy Conference
5. Company Secretary & Corporate Governance – King IV Conference
6. Competency Job Profiling & Job Evaluation Conference
7. Legal Framework and Ethics Governing Medical Profession
8. Corporate Governance – King IV Conference
9. Measuring & Managing Training Conference (Return on Investment)
10. Pension Funds & Investment Conference
11. Strategy Development , Balance Scorecard and Performance Management
The above envisaged conferences are strategically held at various places and each conference will consist of an excursion to monumental